May 18, 2024

Is Kundali Matching for Marriage True or False?

4 min read
Is Kundali Matching for Marriage True or False?

In Vedic astrology match of birth charts for weddings is Kundali matching, usually known as Kundli Milan. Kundali pairing is the most critical decision made before moving forward with a proposal for marriage in Hindu traditions, notably in India where arranged marriages are overall. The matching Kundlis of the couple will display how the stars will impact their alliance and what remedial steps must be performed to ensure eternal love.

Kundali matching uses the birth details of a girl and a boy. The result is given on the basis of Astha Kuta, or Guna Milan.

Astha Kuta or Guna Milan

The highest possible number of Gunas in the Ashta-Kuta system of matchmaking is 36. The union is great if the couple’s combined Gunas are from 31 to 36, very good if the total Gunas are between 21 and 30, average if the total Gunas are between 18 and 20, and unlucky if the total Gunas are between 0 and 17.

There are a total of eight Gunas and each Guna has assigned a specific number of points are assigned to each Guna.

Eight Gunas

  • Varna (1 point)
  • Vasya (2 points)
  • Tara (3 points)
  • Yoni (4 points)
  • Graha Maitri (5 point)
  • Gana (6 points)
  • Bhakoot (7 points)
  • Nadi (8 points)

Let’s know more about these Gunas:-


“Varna” refers to the two people’s mental compatibility, signifying how they deal with jobs and fortune in general. There is also a comparison between the development of egos and spirituality. If both have the same personality, this Koota receives the highest possible score of 1.


The level of control or flexibility between the two is the subject of this. identifies the spouse who would be in charge. They award the full 2 points if both the guy and the girl are from the same Vasya.


The focus is on the couple’s overall health and happiness. Additionally, it portends the couple’s prosperity and longevity. Here, they address it with the couple’s Moon positions.

In Kundali matching, Tara Koota, which is for constellations or nakshatra compatibility, is crucial. In Indian astrology, there are 27 Nakshatras.

They calculate the male’s nakshatra by dividing the girl’s nakshatra by nine. Similarly, they carry out the same process from the boy’s natal nakshatra to the girl’s nakshatra. If both remaining numbers are even (0, 2, 4, 6, 8), they consider the answer correct and award three points. 1.5 points are awarded if one of the numbers is even and 0 points if each is odd (1,3,5,7). There are three possible Dina Koota values: 0, 1.5, and 3.


Horoscope matching uses Yoni, which represents lovemaking, to measure physical compatibility. It considers factors like physical attractiveness, biological variables, and lovemaking preferences.

Graha Maitri

This koota has concerns about offspring, marriage harmony, and the attachment the pair has for one another. Its connection is with the psychological compatibility of the couple. Here, they take into account how the couple interacts with one another on a daily basis.


This connects the pair in the matter of action, personality, and temperament. In general, this situation is concerned with the couple’s view on life.

Matching the same Gana for the girl and the male results in the awarding of six points.


Its connection is with starting a successful family. It also discusses the durability of their marriage as well as their shared pleasures and tragedies. It displays how compatible the young man and the girl within the investigation are on an emotional, mental, and romantic level.

The girl’s moon position is the basis for the calculation of the boy’s birth moon position. It is terrible if the guy’s moon is 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 places away from the girl’s moon. However, it is favorable if it is 7 or 12 places away. It is negative if the girl’s moon is 12 positions away from the boy’s moon, while 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 are favorable and auspicious situations.


This koota is about the compatibility of partners’ health. It searches for shared genetic and physiological characteristics. This determines a person’s Ayurvedic type and if they would get along well with one another. Additionally, believers hold that kundali matching tests for genetic compatibility ensure that the offspring are healthy and comfortable.

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Kundali matching for marriage, including Astha Koota, remains a subject of various perspectives. While it holds cultural and spiritual value for many, there is no scientific evidence supporting its accuracy. Ultimately, successful marriages depend on open communication and shared values between partners. Additionally, Online Kundali Matching for Marriage is a convenient and time saver tool for those who need instant matching.

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